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Lift up your heads, O gates!

Have you ever tried to read your Bible only to find that not one word of it makes sense? Even after all these years, that still happens to me. Right at that moment, I realize that I sat down to read without asking for wisdom or revelation in The Word. Oooops! That sometimes happens too!

Something like that happened recently, and it is truly amazing, and I want to share it with you. It was a beautiful "revelation" at the time, and an even more splendid "confirmation" yesterday. Keep reading...

A few months ago, I was participating in a Ladies' Gathering at this super-cool place called The Well. I was there for a "class" (it defies simple nomenclature) called Journaling With Jesus. During this sweet time with the Lord, we were reading Psalm 24. It goes like this:

Psalm 24


The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it,

the world, and those who live in it;

for He has founded it upon the seas,

and established it upon the rivers.

Who shall ascend to the house of the Lord?

And who shall stand in His holy place?

Those who have clean hands and pure hearts,

who do not lift up their souls to what is false,

and do not swear deceitfully.

They will receive blessing from the Lord

and vindication from the God of their salvation.

Such is the company of those who seek Him,

who seek the face of the God of Jacob.


Lift up your heads, O gates!

and be lifted up, O ancient doors!

that the King of Glory may come in.

Who is the King of Glory?

The Lord, strong and mighty,

the Lord, mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads, O gates!

and be lifted up, O ancient doors!

that the King of Glory may come in.

Who is the King of Glory?

The Lord of hosts,

He is the King of Glory!


One of the major concepts behind Journaling With Jesus is that we learn to take our questions, or fears, or hurts directly to Jesus in prayer with listening and journaling, knowing that He is our Shepherd and that we know His voice. (John 10:4-5). During this particular class, we had prompts that we could journal that were related to this verse, or just ask Jesus whatever we needed to know about this passage. So like I have been known to do, I said: Lord? Lift up your heads, O gates?? What does that even mean? What do You want me to know about that?? I know that seems like a stupid question. Maybe it was a stupid question. But the Lord saw fit to answer it in a totally unexpected way! During this time of journaling and seeking the Lord, we were listening to some lovely soaking music and engaging in personal prayer. While I was in silence, the Lord showed me a vision (no! not an Open Vision! Just a simple photograph-picture in my mind). What He showed me was my garage door going up; it was my side of the garage where I park my car. The door did not go up because I had pushed the button on the remote, and it didn't go up because someone had pushed the button inside the garage to activate the door. Rather, it went up because my husband was physically pushing it up, exerting his strength to get it to go all the way up. When he pushed it all the way up, the King of Glory entered my home. OK! That is an amazing story-picture! That was an amazing vision of what is to come regarding our home, who gains entry, for what reasons, and to what end.

At this point, it is reasonable for me to share that my husband does not walk with the Lord. He is very accepting of my walk, often encouraging, sometimes completely confused, but certainly pleased that it is Jesus I am chasing instead of any other 33 year old Jewish rabbi.

When I saw this picture in response to a direct question to Jesus, I was more than thrilled to see that my husband would "welcome" in/facilitate access/offer space/share our home with the King of Glory. In and of itself, the vision was beautiful, and encouraging, and perfect and lovely.

Fast forward to Sunday, June 2nd. It was the Grand Opening of The Sanctuary at Montview, the Ministry space that my husband lovingly built in our terrace level, to include an absolutely beautiful Prayer Room. The Sanctuary has space for up to 12 (maybe more!!) for Praise, Prayer, Jesus Events, Movie Nights, and more. As we were preparing for the arrival of our 1st guests, one of my dear friends was making a tiny video to send to her daughter showing off The Sanctuary. As she was videoing, she stuck her head through the open door into our downstairs garage where my husband keeps his "tractor" (think Green Acres!!), and I kid you not....he was manually pushing up the door in advance of our event. And guess who came in?? The King of Glory!! Seriously!! I couldn't make this up!! When my friend showed me the snippet of video, I sent it promptly to another friend who perfected the photo, and I am putting it below. Because you have to see it too!! I am totally blown away! I asked Jesus a question; He gave me a visual answer immediately; then He brought my vision to pass. Talk about seeing the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!! (Psalm 27).

As I seek the Father, call on the Name of Jesus, and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, I am increasing in knowledge of HIM. The Lord is revealing His truths for me so much more clearly and frequently. I know that if I seek Him, I will find Him. I know His promises are Yes and Amen! I know He is faithful. And I am still blown away!

Thank You Holy Father, for sharing beautiful snapshots and revelations with me! Thank You for allowing me to see Your Perfection in this life; that helps me to know that what I will receive in the next life will be even more cool!! You are a good Father! Loving, kind, generous, creative, comforting, faithful, forgiving, holy, perfect and beautiful! Thank You for loving me; and thank You for showing me Your glory through the love that my husband has for me. Glory to Your precious name, Jesus!

If I live to be 100 years old, I will never forget how kind and loving Jesus was to show me that picture! I hope you think it is cool too!

Next time you come across something in your Bible that makes no sense whatsoever, get quiet, ask Jesus what He wants you to know about that passage, and open your heart and mind to receive from Him. If I can hear Him, you can hear Him. And not because if He does it for me, He will do it for you, although that is completely true. But because, if you have given your life to Jesus, He is your Good Shepherd. And even if you haven't heard Him before, it isn't because you can't. You CAN!! The Bible says you can, so you can!! John 10:1-5, Jesus says this:

"I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of the sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must be a thief and a robber! But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them and they follow him because they know his voice."

Part of "prayer" is listening. That might be the hardest part. But we get so much from the listening, the waiting, the time spent with Him in expectation, knowing that He will answer, that He always answers. The more we knock, the more we seek, the more we pray, the more He reveals His will to us. And if we ask Him open-ended questions, the answer could come in any of a million ways. Like a picture in your mind, a song lyric, or a comic strip that your mother-In-law gives you. I have heard the Voice of God in all of these ways. And I have also heard Holy Spirit speak directly into my right ear. But only when I am "listening".

It is my fondest wish for you that you learn to pray, speak with Jesus earnestly, and then listen. Listening is part of relationship, right? Whether it be your spouse, your mother, your boss, or anyone else. If you want to have communication and relationship, you have to listen. So get in your "closet" and close the door. Jesus will meet you there. And then chat. And listen. Have a posture in your heart to hear from Him, receive from Him, learn His will for your life. He will answer you. I promise.

Pray this with me: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are our Good Shepherd. Thank You that Your Word clearly explains that we know the voice of our Shepherd, we hear Him and we follow Him. Fill us with the hunger to know Jesus more deeply, through prayer and reading Your Word; and reveal to us all that You would have us know of You, so that we can love You more, obey You, love others like You would have us do, and share Jesus in a way that expands Your Kingdom! Show us what Your Word really means, historically, literally, metaphorically and Truly. Show us pictures, give us dreams and visions, and reveal Yourself to us in these last days. We long to know You more! We love You, Lord. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

All My Love In Jesus!



Camille Whitworth
Camille Whitworth
Jun 11, 2024

I love the whole listening to Him! I’ve been trying to do more of that in the last week…how God is that? That you then share the same thing! It’s so hard in my busy world to stop, be quiet & just listen for Him. But it always incredible when I do! I never regret it. Love you & thank you for sharing!😘

Leslie Johnson
Leslie Johnson
Jun 25, 2024
Replying to

I would have never known you were commenting on these had you not told me in your Marco Polo. I have been searching how to find these! Yay!! Thank you so much for reading my blogs! God IS Good! I know He loves talking with you...You are the Apple of His Eye!


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