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If Paul Could See the Church In America Today, We'd Be Getting A Letter!

The above title is the caption of a meme I have seen several times circulating around the interwebs. I giggle every time I see it; it's one of those things, funny and true.

I know full well that if the Apostle Paul were living today, and could see the state of this great Nation, he would definitely have some choice words for those of us living here. In my imagination, it might go something like this:

Grace and Peace in Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the Saints living in America.

You all need, now more than ever, to be praying--fasting and praying. Many among you have fallen away from the teachings upon which you were founded--teachings directly from Yeshua, that I have shared liberally with you all, over and over through the years.

I write to you now in my own hand, which is my custom, to implore you to seek once again The Way, The Truth and The Life. The Word of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to you who are being saved, it is the Power of God. The remnant among you must boldly share this Word, this Truth, this Life, once again as if afresh. Now more than ever is a time for prayer, for fasting, for an abiding obedience to Our Savior, and a cleansing of your spirit unto a newfound purity. He demands a pure bride, a spotless bride, a bride filled with a true love for Him rather than for the things of this world. Soon and very soon He will return to take her to the banquet the Father has prepared since before time was established.

You have become arrogant and profoundly immoral--calling good evil and evil good. Have you forgotten that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? And not only that, but will condemn many to eternal death with their vile and repugnant false teachings. Such as this is rampant at this time, yet only the few see it and cry out against it. These few, the remnant, must fast and pray for Mercy, for reconciliation between the King of Heaven and His America, for healing in the land, for a true revival, not just in the hearts of a few but of the many, resulting in salvations in the streets and a true Freedom for all who abide in Him!

I implore you also to receive the full counsel of God! The entire Word of God is for the entirety of you all, America. Open your hearts to the Five-fold Ministry and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that can change you individually, but also as family units, Little Towns, big cities and a Nation. You do not know better than the Lord! You can only know better and do better through true obedience (aka Love) for The Word, both logos and rhema. Stop adulterating The Word of God, perverting it to suit your wicked desires, walking on the line between right and wrong, thinking yourselves smart enough to outwit the Lord who is the Creator of the Universe. Embrace and honor Yeshua, and things will change for you, America. Become once again, as if for the first time, ambassadors for Christ so that you might be reconciled to God.

Return again, cry out, you who will, for those who know not how, for transformation: from slaves to division and the perversion of righteousness, to sons and daughters of the One True King, and yet again to heirs of eternal life with Love Everlasting, where strife and hatred and vulgarity are no more. Do not be deceived America--God will not be mocked. Those of you who will, must intercede for the whole, seeking mercy and forgiveness, that you all be spared from oblivion. In the coming days, yes, even now, the people will reap what they sow. For you, Beautiful Ones, will that be corruption of the flesh and spirit into eternal damnation? Or into the Spirit and eternal life?

I pray, Sweet America, that the eyes of your heart will be open to the reality of the beauty, both within and without, for those who believe and receive Him fully, in power and in a glorious inheritance. You each are a masterpiece, created by Him for good works before the foundation of the Earth. Yet many have fallen away, becoming tarnished by the contaminants of the enemy, or even by the little things that you permit without full understanding. He? She? Tipsy? Just having a little fun? What harm could it do? Just this once? These are lies from the pit of hell, where your adversary plots against you, your families even unto the 3rd and 4th generations, raining down curse upon curse, so hard to break. And yet so simple.

Those of you who will, stand firm in the Lord and the power of His might. As His people, call on His name, turn from your wicked ways, walk not in your own (false) righteousness, but instead walk the road of the Cross. Put on the full armor of God, so that you, sweet America, will be able to stand firm against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Follow Jesus as He heals and restores you, refocuses your light, and shines it once again on the dark places, to bring His Hope and Love and Deliverance and Peace to all who would receive it. Blind eyes will open and deaf ears will hear once again in your great country. He will deliver you in these days, as He did in times past, of the chains that bind you so easily: the spirit of deception, of rebellion which brings only death, the spirit of addiction, the spirit of the age that carries you away into darkness though you are seeking only light, the spirit of darkness of this present age. IF you will seek Him once again. Make my joy complete, by turning time and again, day after day, to the fellowship of the Spirit, seeking the face of Jesus, never losing sight of His bitter sufferings and death, rather living with Him always in His glorious resurrection that you (all) may attain unto eternal resurrection.

Place before yourselves, your children and all whom you encounter, only that which is Pure, Lovely, Noble, Admirable and Perfect in His eyes. I remind you of this not to rob you of your fun and pleasure, although that seems to be what many seek without caution, but to bring to your remembrance that in the Spirit there is fullness of joy. Seek after Jesus; all pleasure in this world and in eternity comes only through communion with Him and His Holy Spirit.

It is not too late, Precious Land of Liberty, for you to return to Him. Prepare yourselves as a pure and radiant bride. Remember always that He prepares before you a table, a banquet, and eternal Love, even in the presence of your enemies. All of His promises are for you who believe, and turn, and seek Him first. He has plans of glorious proportions for those who seek His kingdom. Never forget, Beloveds, that He died so that you might live. Minister to the hurting and the lost among you, caring especially for widows and orphans and those whom the world shuns, as these need extra love.

Receive those whom I will send to uplift you. Remember my affection for you all. I hope to see you all soon. Blessings and hugs in Our Lord Jesus!

Wouldn't it be amazing if we received a Letter from one of the Lord's original Apostles? That said, we have a great many letters from God's original Apostles. In the Bible!! The Apostle Paul wrote at least 13 books of the New Testament, and they are still valid and valuable for us today, in America, thousands of years later, and thousands of miles away. It is my deep prayer that those of you who read this letter from Paul (myself included) will fall to our knees in repentance and Love for the King, knowing that His Word is true and that He will heal our land.

I love this Country so much! Even though there is so much nonsense happening here, strife, hatred, is still the only place I would want to live!

Join me in Prayer for Our Country!

Every Thursday night at 8pm EST, I host a ZOOM Prayer Gathering. Please feel free to join us! All you have to do is register on this will receive a link to join on Thursday!

I am praying for you all, Today and every day, for all of God's very best blessings on your home and family: His Mercy, His Grace, and His Love Everlasting!

All My Love,




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